Knowing if you are at risk of glaucoma prevents blindness through early detection and timely treatment
Glaucoma is a serious eye disease that can lead to blindness and is challenging to detect early due to its lack of symptoms in the initial stages. In glaucoma patients, the optic disc (a structure in the eye) may become abnormally enlarged. This project seeks to develop and validate a computer-based tool for detecting early signs of glaucoma.
The tool operates by guiding participants through a series of measurements, including eye-to-screen distance, blind spot size in various directions, and demographic details such as age, gender, ethnicity, and dominant hand. Each participant completes ten measurements at varying distances. The collected data is used to estimate optic disc size, and the consistency of these results is accurately evaluated.
This study involves NO significant risks or discomfort. It is non-invasive, minimally risky, and relies solely on standard tools for measurement.
Make sure to check back and take the test again in a few months!